About Us

We are a global team of diverse individuals on a mission to power healthy and independent living for ALL in the comfort of their communities.

Meet the Team

Kaushik Kumar

Senior Software Engineer - Backend

Shiv Narayan Dhiman

Engineering Manager

Esther Htun

Sales Growth Associate

Gopi Badipuram

Backend Lead

B Sree Tejo Krishna

HR Generalist

Shrestha Priyal

Associate Product Manager

Jonathan Evans

Sales Growth Associate

Prabhat Gupta

Technical Project Manager

Anish Jain

VP of Engineering

Harsh Arora

Jr. Backend Engineer

Ashray Belachikatte Mahesh

QA Automation Engineer

Amol Shankpal

QA Automation Engineer

Mukesh Kumar

Full Stack Lead

Reika Thompson

Customer Success Manager

Sina Roohi

Tech Ops

Nima Roohi

Co-founder & CEO

Reme Rashid

Chief Operating Officer

Chris Rosaroso

Senior Technical Operations Analyst

Naman Gupta

Co-founder & CPO

Guru Prasad Rao

Sr. Backend Engineer

Chandrashekhar Pandey

Director of Engineering

Don Oliverio

Senior Manager, Technical Operations

Chetan Nagaraja

Product Designer

Eric Kaplan

Demand Generation Manager

Vetri Kalidass

Software Engineer

Sade Gonzalez

Customer Success Manager

Rushabh Shroff

Sr. Product Manager

Kavitha Gnanasambandan

Co-founder & CCO

Ali Sadiq

Sr software engineer

Amiel Garra

Software Engineer

Niraj Deshpande

QA Engineer

Keesha Dela Pena

Tech Ops & Data Analyst

Shiva Bharadwaj

QA Architect

Edward Bonfanti

Senior Manager of Customer Success, and Operations

Lai Clarin

Senior Associate, Finance & Operations

Julia Bojarski

HR & Employee Experience Manager

Allen Bondoc

Software Engineer

Adrian Bobier

Ops & Data Analyst

Madan Behera

Lead Cloud Engineer

Joven Apura

Ops & Data Analyst

Owen Silver

Account Executive (Funding Partners)

Jennifer Flores

Account Manager

Ramses Merriman

Sales Account Executive

Advisory Board

Robert Blancato

AARP Board Member, Nat’l Council on Aging, House Cmte. on Aging

Andrew Parker

Founder & CEO of Papa, Age-tech Leader

Rick Berry

Founder & ex-CEO of Demandforce, Investor

Robby Sikka

Advisor to Tonal, Oura, Professional Sports Physician

Paolo Narciso

Former Vice President, AARP Foundation

Chethan Sathya

Pediatric Surgeon, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Northwell Health

Vicki Shepard

Founder and CEO, Paragon Strategies, LLC, former Chief Deputy Director of the CA DOA & LTC

Michael Hancock

Former Mayor of Denver

Backed By

Blooming Health can help you grow faster.

Blooming Health empowers organizations to seamlessly connect with their communities through a powerful AI-assisted engagement platform, ensuring every message is personalized and effectively delivered, regardless of age, communication method, or language.



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