Moderator Archelle Georgiou (author, Healthcare Choices) leads a fireside chat with Chelsea Clinton (co-founder, Metrodora Ventures, and co-chair, Clinton Foundation) that dives into her early influences from her parents' advocacy work, her personal observations that led her to pursue social care and health equity, and her reflections on the importance of addressing systemic inequities.

Moderator Archelle Georgiou (author, Healthcare Choices) leads a fireside chat with Chelsea Clinton (co-founder, Metrodora Ventures, and co-chair, Clinton Foundation) that dives into her early influences from her parents' advocacy work, her personal observations that led her to pursue social care and health equity, and her reflections on the importance of addressing systemic inequities.

The Importance of Proactive Equitable Social Care

The Importance of Proactive Equitable Social Care

The Importance of Proactive Equitable Social Care

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Keep in touch with Blooming Health, and discover how innovative approaches in social health engagement are breaking barriers and fostering stronger connections within communities.

Blooming Health empowers organizations to seamlessly connect with their communities through a powerful AI-assisted engagement platform, ensuring every message is personalized and effectively delivered, regardless of age, communication method, or language.


+1 (445) 234-4541

43 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10010,

Copyright © 2024. All right reserved to Blooming Health

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Keep in touch with Blooming Health, and discover how innovative approaches in social health engagement are breaking barriers and fostering stronger connections within communities.

Blooming Health empowers organizations to seamlessly connect with their communities through a powerful AI-assisted engagement platform, ensuring every message is personalized and effectively delivered, regardless of age, communication method, or language.


+1 (445) 234-4541

43 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10010

Copyright © 2024. All right reserved to Blooming Health